Earlier this week, I woke up to a heavy snowfall with all the ground covered once more in snow. It’s March. The day before, I’d been chatting with the local landscaper who takes care of all the greenery in Lund Harbour about how excited we were of the prospect of starting to put some new plants and trees in the ground as early next week. But Mother Nature seems to have created a new season for Lund, and it’s called Winring: an other-worldly combination of winter and spring.
My dogs have been loving it the snow, but I’m ready for warmer temperatures.

Winring has also made me realize that I haven’t been very up to date the blog. We’ve had a busy time from New Year’s through February, and it’s wonderful to see guests travelling to Lund year-round. Many of them brought their pups and it was great to see them out walking or to see the smoke coming from the wood stoves, knowing they were cozied up in the cottages. There seemed to be a number of younger couples from the big City checking out the area. A lot of young folks are moving into this area from the City and everyone I have spoken to are very happy with their decision.
Over the past several weeks, in the more spring like days of Winring, our first Wwoofer of the season, a young man named Miles from Germany has been busy prepping the flower beds around the Yurt Cottage, clearing blackberries, and stringing the posts for the raspberries we planted last year. I didn’t initially know, but this picture of our Kubota tractor was one of the things that drew him to Finn Bay Farm. We had a great Saturday doing the first service on the tractor together. It was a learning experience for both of us, and its great to see him moving rocks and cleanup around the property. The area around Yurt is looking fabulous (and is covered in snow this week).

One of the next tasks this week will be to measure and draw a plan for the vegetable garden. I am hoping to have a good plan and all the trellis frames built in time to plant this year.
Celebrating the arts on the Sunshine Coast
Powell River continues to impress me with the cultural offerings it has. The Film Festival just closed on February 17 and offered a wide range of engaging films to largely full houses. You can check out what was played by visiting their site.
The Powell River Festival of the Performing Arts, which ran from February 23 to March 8 is a true indicator of the value that the community places on young people engaging in the performing arts. More info on this can be found here.
Coming up around the corner from April 4-6 is the Townsite Jazz Festival, which takes place in the historic Townsite area of Powell River.
If this sounds like an event for you and you decide to make your way up the coast, I encourage you to check out the availability of our two great cottages at Finn Bay Farm. I can’t think of anything better than a great day checking out the Jazz Festival followed by a relaxing night in front of a cozy cabin fire or chilling out in the the hot tub with a bottle or two from Townsite Brewing!
I will be back soon with another blog. Wish me luck with Winring — I’m hoping spring is in the air from here on in. If you have any questions about Finn Bay Farm, please feel free to contact us here.